
Hi there! My name is Amy, and I live in Seattle with my husband, Michael. We believe that eating real, whole, and natural foods will make you the healthiest you can be.  For many people it is sugar, modern grains, and fake stuff like processed foods, and partially hydrogenated oils that make us fat and unhealthy, not natural fats, and I am happy to say I lost over 10 pounds almost 3 years ago, have kept it off, and have never felt better! I’m no longer constantly bloated, with puffy feet, and tired all the time. Is it always convenient or “easy” in our grains, sugar and low fat centric society? No. But I feel so much better when I do it so it is worth it! We follow the Primal lifestyle because that is what works best for us, but we’ll just call it “low carb” for now – it fits with my blog title the best! (Note: A “Paleo” or “Primal” lifestyle is not necessarily “low carb”, although will generally be lower than the standard American diet aka “SAD” diet. Some people do better with a higher percentage of carbs from high quality, nutrient dense sources such as starchier vegetables like sweet potatoes, or fruits – you have to find the ratio that works best for you. Check out Chris Kresser’s “Paleo Template“). Basically we are all about food quality and want to eat foods as close to nature as we possibly can, grass fed beef, pastured chicken/eggs and organic veggies/fruit as often as we can with what is available and we are not afraid of eating lots of natural fats (aka grass fed butter, coconut oil, olive oil, lard etc.)! We avoid grains (especially those with wheat & gluten), legumes, sugar, and processed and partially hydrogenated oils (aka vegetable oil, soybean oil, canola oil, margarine) as much as possible. As for excercise, we are Crossfitters! (My husband has been at it awhile, I am a recent convert and will never be seen at a regular gym again) Below are some good links for more information and to get started.

Mark’s Daily Apple Primal Blueprint 101

Robb Wolf Quickstart

Chris Kresser Perfect Health

Protein Power Dr. Mike

Are we always perfect? No. I do have my favorite, french fries, occasionally, and we certainly ate some pizza and pasta on our honeymoon in Italy, but this isn’t about being perfect, it is about taking it day by day and doing our best to eat what we know our body really needs, not what “conventional wisdom” and the government has been telling us with their skewed food pyramid for the last 50 years. In the end so much of our government’s advice is based off money and who it is coming from. You can see here who is funding the ADA for instance…

I highly recommend watching the movie “Fathead” (you can see for free here on Hulu) which is available on Netflix instant queue and reading the book by Gary Taubes “Why we get fat: and what to do about it” as well as checking out the getting started links above.

Now, onto style part of my blog. I have always loved fashion, and have a Bachelor’s degree in Clothing, Textiles, and Fashion Merchandising from New Mexico State University.  I believe that taking pride in your apperance is important to show you have respect for yourself and for those around you. This doesn’t mean you have to be a supermodel – it means developing a style that showcases who you are, and that makes you feel confident from the inside out! No costumes, no sloppiness, and no pajamas outside the house! You don’t have to like or share my style, and sometimes, I will have bad days that I put together something that just doesn’t feel right, but I’m trying and that’s what matters. Hopefully I will inspire you to work on your personal style everyday as well! You can also check out my wardrobe consulting businesss website at www.smartstyleseattle.com.

8 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Kim
    May 10, 2011 @ 22:56:39

    I am completely guilty of following specific blogs but never posting comments. From what I’ve heard bloggers like comments. I came across your blog today and could not pass up the opportunity to post. First off, I love your sense of style and the fact that you are not above shopping at Kmart & Target. On many style blogs the only stores you hear referenced are Nordstrom, Saks, J Crew, etc. Unless I hit the clearance racks those stores are out of my clothing budget league. Secondly, I was super excited to read that you follow a paleo diet. I am 8 weeks into the low carb/paleo lifestyle and LOVE IT! I have never felt better just by making such simple changes in my diet. The fact that I have lost 12 lbs is a huge bonus! I look forward to checking out some of the books that you recommend and picking up some new recipes, too. Kim


    • amyreh
      May 10, 2011 @ 23:15:05

      Hi Kim! We do love comments! Glad I could inspire you with some budget items! I think you can look great on any budget!

      That is great news about you going Paleo! It is defininitely not just about losing weight, but feeling great as well. My energy level is so much higher now! The best benefit for me is that my appetite takes care of itself – I’m never hungry and the weight just falls off! (and stays off)

      Thanks again for the comment, hope to see more, and that you will share your progress with us!


  2. Indy
    Sep 23, 2011 @ 15:40:01

    I am so glad to find your blog where you incorporate both Paleo/Primal and fashion. I started Paleo in February and my hubby joined me in July. I’m looking forward to trying some of your recipes.

    ❤ Indy


  3. Ann Marie
    Oct 22, 2011 @ 19:44:23

    You are so adorable! I love to cook and wear cute, fashion forward clothes, so your blog is PERFECT!


  4. Lulu Diego
    Feb 02, 2012 @ 06:54:46

    just came across your blog through another health link. great recipes!!! the best part of your blog is that my real name is Amy and my husband is Michael!!! how funny is that!!
    i look forward to reading more.
    since i cut back on carbs over a year ago, i no longer have that bloat feeling and i eradicated most of my aches and pains! eating raw is the best too. i’ve lost over 30 pounds!! yippee!!!


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